Friday, May 1, 2015

Last blog

  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why?
I liked the writing that we did over the bird story. It left me to use my imagination in creating what i thought the bird was saying and doing.
  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why?
The "I believe" essay was my least favorite because I was gone a day and it set me back so far that I had no idea what I was doing so I just didn't do it. 
  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why?
Well, my writing hasn't really changed, I did make fewer mistakes when I was typing though. 
  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why?
Possibly put more thought into my writing, I didn't have a lot to say and it was because I couldn't think anymore after I had what I wanted to say on the screen.
  • What did you like best about this course?
How nice the instructor is. She is always in a good mood and she always has something to talk about. She has a passion and she is extremely passionate about it. (Chickens, donkeys, knitting, blogging, ect.)
  • What did you like least about this course?
That we didn't really learn anything. I also didn't like that we only had a week to read "The Heart and the Fist" because I didn't have a lot of free time to just sit and read since I go to school, clean my house, go to work, and finish my homework for all of my classes. I struggled greatly this semester in my classes but not in English. I am very thankful for that. 
  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over?
I would have actually did my "I Believe" essay because the longer I'm in this class knowing that I didn't do that essay, the more it feels like I'm a loser.
  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester?
I realized that if I am doing my writing on something I care about I write more during the free writes. I like writing about things that are interesting to me because I can put what is in my head onto the writing. 
  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course?
Maybe do a little more teaching, I liked your class but we didn't really learn a whole lot and I just wonder what is in store for me in my next English class. 
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade.
I would give myself a B because of me not turning in my "I Believe" essay and because my attendance was horrid and I almost got academically dropped and it upset me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Something that changed my life was Colorado. I was treated badly and it made me look at life a lot differently because I was used to be treated well. I don’t treat anyone bad anymore unless they’re asking for it because I know how it feels to be treated like I don’t matter, like I’m a liar (even when I’m not), like im below everyone. People are not nice, and they are vindictive. I don’t like people at all because of how hateful and mean they are. Theyre too easily influenced by outside things in their life like drugs, alcohol, other people, being popular takes over them. People get bullied a lot in life and since I was bullied I know what its like. I don’t know how someone can just poke fun at someone and think its funny. I don’t know how someone can just make someone feel so little and then think its okay. I was made to feel little, I was made to feel worthless, I was made to feel disgusting, I was made to feel like I was always in the wrong. I know I didn’t deserve it but I accepted it 

I believe

I believe in spanking because when I was little I was spanked and I believe that it makes the kid learn discipline and respect. Ive noticed that the kids that grow up hitting their parents are the ones that aren’t getting disciplined at home. Theyre rude, they are disrespectful, and its not just towards their parents, it over flows into family people at school and others. When a kid is disrespectful and their friends see that, theyre going to act like that. Disrespect is like a disease, a super contagious disease that only spanking when young will fix. I believe in spanking because kids aren’t respectful when they are not spanked when theyre doing something bad. My mom told me that when I was little I would see other kids misbehaving in the store and I would look at them in disbelief because of how crazy they were acting.


I think that stress is something that a lot of people let control their lives. I get stressed out like anyone else in the world, but I don’t let it get to me because I know it affects people around me and it also affects me in a negative way. Some stress is okay, but a lot is not good at all for your body because of all the things it puts us at risk for. Stressors are often problems in our life that we can not control and therefore we get stressed out and start worrying about little or big things in our life.
What I do when im stressed is nothing.

The thing that stresses me out is my mom

I know she doesn’t think I do anything around the house because it is messy when she comes over but I think that that is why she thinks im lazy and “not doing anything with my life”. I think she doesn’t like me because I don’t answer my phone when I don’t hear it and I think she lies to her friends to make me look bad to them because it makes herself feel better

Laceys mom just got mad at something Lacey said like usual. It’s like she can’t say anything right to her mom without her mom blowing up. 

Movie story

As I was flying around, I found someone with a bagel that looked really tasty. He tried to give me a piece, but I wanted the whole thing so I proceeded to take it. When he threw it, it landed in a metal box with fancy buttons so I followed it. After the little box shut on me, I found all kinds of buttons that looked cool so I poked one and it made noise. I liked the noise it made so I pressed it a few more times because of how cool it sounded. Apparently the guy wanted me to get out and his offering was the bagel but I knew of his shenanigans so I jumped back into the case because he wasn’t going to get his case without giving me my bagel. When he did give me the bagel, it fell onto the red button and he took off flying with my bagel still in the suitcase. Oh heck no. I flew up there and glared at him until he gave me my bagel back and when he did I flew down to the ground happily with my bagel.

Personal credo

 compose a personal credo that distills your unique approach to life

im not sure what a credo is, but im assuming im supposed to be talking about my approach to life so here it is. 

I take one day at a time. Sure, i make plans for the future, but I try to live in the moment. I doubt myself a lot, probably because all of my life no one has been there to encourage me. I always feel like i am not good enough because no matter how hard i try, my mom still isnt proud of me. i was doing nothing with my life a few months ago now im going to school, i have a job and i got my license. still not good enough. 

If I could learn something new

if i could learn something new it would be learning how to be a large animal veterinarian. I love all animals but since i was little ive always had a facination with large animals. unfortunately, i wont ever be able to learn any of that because of my social status in my community. I dont want to be overwhelmed with student debt from going to college because that is a lot of money that i couldnt pay off. Debt scares me beyond anything else, it makes me feel horrible about myself. Ive already planned on going to school if i win the lottery because then i could do what i wanted without debt.

Something I'm passionate about

Animals are something I am passionate about because they are all so innocent in so many ways. You can always rely on an animal to always love you and they can’t talk so they can’t share their secrets. When I get an animal, I’ll keep it until it dies because I believe that all animals’ lives matter and my animals are my life. Animals are my passion because there are so many different types that range from all of the colors of the rainbow to land and sea animals. They all fascinate me and I want to go into something that I can do that will allow me to work with animals until the day I die. I love taking care of them, I love loving on them, and I love how much they love me. I want to help save endangered animals, or help wild animals. I love the thought of me being able to help animals and for them to be able to continue to live because I helped them.